Friday, August 30, 2013

August Update

Six weeks ago, I returned for a second stay at the Abhayagiri monastery in northern California. I just left today.

A young deer outside my kuti

I had previously visited this monastery last year when I first started looking into monasteries. In early July, although my health condition was not great, I decided to go ahead with my earlier plans for an extended stay at Abhayagiri.

When I got there, I was nervous about a sudden relapse of the allergic condition I had experienced earlier in the year. I just left today and I am happy to report I did not have any serious allergic reactions while I was there. Further, the blisters I had earlier in the year have mostly cleared up. I do have some new more minor reactions and so I am not exactly sure what it all means yet...

Earlier this week, I made a request to be an Anagarika at Abhayagiri. Currently this request is dependent on how my allergy/health situation unfolds over the next couple months.

In other news, tomorrow I will be traveling to Boston to spend 2 months as an attendant for two monks at at the Boston Vihara. I'll write more about all this when I get there.

Stay tuned...

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